Our support department may be reached toll free at (888) 227-9911. After hours you may leave a message for the next business day, or if you listen to the greeting you will be given a cell phone number to reach us immediately. You can also email us.
A printable manual is available online as well as on the program cd. This version of the manual requires the free Adobe Acrobat reader.
An online manual is also available. Once you have installed your program, you can click on help or hit the F-1 key to bring up context sensitive help from this version of the manual.
Updates and toll-free support are provided free for the first 90 days after registration. You will then be billed $99 per module for a year of Update and Support Service. Multi-user capability counts as a module and increases the support fee; however, additional locations on the same computer system do not. Firms with multiple copies of the software at different sites will be charged multiple support fees.